Menüeintrag |
Lösen → Mechanical equations → Deformation equation |
Arbeitsbereich |
Standardtastenkürzel |
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Eingeführt in Version |
0.21 |
Siehe auch |
Elastizitätsgleichung, FEM Anleitung |
Diese Gleichung beschreibt die nichtlineare elastische Verformung von Festkörpern.
For info about the math of the equation, see the Elmer models manual, section Finite Elasticity.
For the general solver settings, see the Elmer solver settings.
The deformation equation provides these special settings:
The deformation equation takes the following analysis features into account if they are set:
The available results depend on the solver settings. If none of the DatenCalculate * settings was set to true, only the displacement is calculated. Otherwise also the corresponding results will be available.